Welcome to the American Chiropractic Neurology Board's Doctor Locator.
Welcome to Doctor Locator! This is a record of Chiropractic Neurologists certified through the ACNB.
When using the name search, enter the doctor’s last name only.
If you do not find the person you are looking for and/or wish to verify the status of a certificate, please contact April Cousins, Executive Director at (254) 231-8508 or via email at ExecutiveDirector@acnb.org.
The ACNB supports operational, administrative, and examination related policies that are free from actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest by ACNB contracted personnel, consultants, vendors, committee members, and those in elected, appointed, or volunteer positions.
No ACNB Board member will derive any personal profit or gain from his or her participation on the ACNB Board of Directors.
ACNB Accreditations