Who the American Chiropractics Neurology Board Serves
The American Chiropractic Neurology Board (ACNB) serves the public by providing information about the profession and the Doctor Locator function so members of the public can find doctors and verify their status.
The ACNB serves students by publishing the Study Guide for the Diplomate exam on this website. This is found under Resources and is titled “ACNB” Competency Requirements Guide*.
The ACNB serves Candidates by publishing the Study Guide and by providing an exam application1 exam schedules and the Candidate Handbook, found in the Resources section.
The ACNB serves Diplomats by providing online payment of fees, recertification information and updates regarding the profession. We make announcements to the diplomats on the website and in periodic informational emails.
ACNB Mission Statement and Purpose
The purpose of the certification program of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board is to conduct certification activities in a manner that upholds standards for competent practice in the health care specialty of Chiropractic Neurology. The Board also conducts recertification designed to enhance the continued competence of the Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist.
The population of certificants are Doctors of Chiropractic or the equivalent who have completed specialist level training in neurology from a chiropractic college, university, institution, foundation or agency who is approved by the Commission for Accreditation of Graduate Education in Neurology (CAGEN) of a minimum of three hundred (300) credit hours and who have demonstrated competency in both written and practical examinations administered by the Board in the specialty of neurology.
The Board administers examinations for the purpose of evaluating the candidate for the protection of the public.
Email: ExecutiveDirector@acnb.org
Phone: (254) 231-8508
The ACNB supports operational, administrative, and examination related policies that are free from actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest by ACNB contracted personnel, consultants. vendors, committee members, arid those in elected, appointed, or volunteer positions. No ACNB Board member will derive any personal profit or gain from his or her participation on the ACNB Board of Directors.
ACNB Accreditations